NU Buddy Check
Connect with NU friends and classmates on Buddy Check Day.
The most fundamental responsibility of Norwich alumni is to look out for each other.

In January 2023 the NU Alumni Association launched a monthly Buddy Check program on the 18th-19th of every month.
It’s a simple request: call, text or email a classmate or friend for the camaraderie and to check on each other’s well-being. A few minutes of your time can have a big impact so take a minute on the 18th or 19th of the month to check-in and catch up with people you care about.
What is NU Buddy Check?
NU Buddy Check is a chance to connect with friends, classmates and family members to catch up, and check in. It can also be a way to check on the mental health of people you know and care about. On the 18th and 19th of every month we will send you an email—and text if we have your mobile number—as a reminder to reach out. You don’t have to be an expert to notice if someone is going through a difficult time. If you sense changes in someone’s behavior or mood and think they might be in crisis, there are ways you can help. The simple act of having a conversation can help save a life.
To ensure you receive the monthly reminders, please complete the contact form to ensure we have accurate contact information for you.

What is PTSD?
“ PTSD is your past fighting with your present and no one on the outside can see that battle. ”
— CPT Joe Reagan USA ’04

What Can I Do To Help?
Whether a classmate, veteran, friend, family member or colleague, there are many ways to support somebody you think may be struggling mentally or emotionally. Let them know the thoughts and feelings they have are valid and you are there to support them.

Suicide Awareness & Prevention
Asking a friend, classmate, family member or colleague if they are having thoughts of self-harm or suicide may seem extreme, but it is important. Although people may not show clear signs of intent to harm themselves before doing so, they will likely answer direct questions about their intentions when asked.