Latest Alumni News
The latest Norwich headlines and features of interest to alumni.
The latest Norwich headlines and features of interest to alumni.
Full-time undergraduate students who earned semester GPAs of 3.4 receive Dean’s List honors. This list’s information was generated as of 12/20/2024 2:11:00 PM, and has not been revised.
It was an outstanding evening for Norwich, with two exceptional faculty members, Dr. Tara Kulkarni, Associate Provost for Research and Chief Research Officer, and Dr. Sarah Gallant, Assistant Professor and Interim Chair of Chemistry and Biochemistry, named finalists, and one attaining the highest honor.
Through a competitive selection process, Norwich University’s College of Graduate and Continuing Studies (CGCS) has appointed Bill Lyons to oversee and facilitate cybersecurity, diplomacy, and strategic studies programs and Dr. Robin Saunders as the Cybersecurity and Information Systems Academic Director.
Norwich University will observe Veterans Day by conducting a Corps of Cadets review in honor of all veterans, past and present. The reviewing officer and guest speaker will be U.S. Army Brigadier General Matt Braman, Director, Army Aviation for Headquarters, Department of the Army (HQDA) G-3/5/7, Norwich University Class of 1995.
They conducted a highly productive meeting with senior members of the University’s administration, strengthening the long-standing relationship between Norwich and Austria.
Full-time undergraduate students who earned semester GPAs of 3.5 receive Dean’s List honors. This list’s information was generated as of 05/1/2024 @5:45PM, and has not been revised.
Recently, retired Major General Bruce K. Scott, USA, who is the President and CEO of The Olmsted Foundation, sent a noteworthy email to Norwich University Acting President Dr. Karen Gaines.
Norwich University in honored to announce United States Air Force General Thomas A. Bussiere as the Joint Commissioning Ceremony speaker for the graduating class of 2024.
Norwich University is honored to announce General Lori Robinson as the Commencement Speaker for the graduating class of 2024.
Senior CDT Logan Wineriter was honored this week as the Army ROTC Cadet of the Week.