Norwich University | Alumni & Family



Norwich Legacies

Legacy Challenge COinIf a member of your family attended Norwich University before you, and you are either a current student or alumni of Norwich, then you are Norwich Legacy. It's as simple and as important as that! You have chosen to continue your family tradition by attending Norwich University and for that, we are appreciative and proud. 

**If you are a Norwich legacy and are not sure if we are aware, please let us know, so we can note your special status in our records and keep in touch accordingly.**

As a Norwich Legacy, we want to celebrate and recognize you and your family's commitment to Norwich:

We host a Norwich Legacy Pinning every year during Family Weekend to recognize our newest Legacy families. The pinning takes place during halftime of the Saturday football game. The Alumni Office will contact incoming Legacy students and families with more details about the pinning. You can also fill out a Legacy form at any time and we will have your student on the list for the pinning.

If you do not receive an invitation, please get in touch with the Alumni Office at 802.485.2300 or email us here. If you are a past graduate and never received your Legacy pin, please also let us know and we will ship one out to you.