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The Partridge Society Board Member Guidelines


The Partridge Society was founded in 1974 with the mission of formally recognizing donors who provide financial support to Norwich University. Society membership has experienced tremendous growth since 2000 and its continued growth is an important leading indicator of the University’s ability to achieve its highest priorities.
Membership in the Society is conferred to donors who achieve certain levels of giving or establish a planned or deferred gift. There are four ways to become a Partridge Society member: 

  •     Annual Member - Total giving during the fiscal year (June 1 to May 31)
              ● $200 for undergraduate alumni having graduated 1 to 5 years ago
              ● $500 for master’s degree alumni having graduated 1 to 5 years ago
              ● $500 for undergraduate alumni having graduated 6 to 10 years ago
              ● $1,000 for all other alumni, friends, or family   
  •     Lifetime Member ($20,000 or more of lifetime giving)
  •     Garrison Associates Member (5 or more years of consecutive giving)
  •     1819 Circle Member (Establish a planned or deferred gift)

Mission of the Partridge Society

To support the Development Office in the creation and execution of fundraising plans and tactics in support of the University’s fundraising priorities. Additionally, and of equal importance, is to formally recognize and celebrate donors who provide financial support to the university.

Partridge Society Guidelines and Rules

Board of Directors and Meetings
The Board of Directors will consist of no fewer than six (6) members and no more than fifteen (15) members, all of whom must be Partridge Society Annual, Lifetime or 1819 Circle members. The Board shall meet four times annually. The meeting shall be held on Alumni Weekend, in the Spring, and 2 additional virtual meetings as scheduled by the board. The annual meeting shall be held on Alumni Weekend on campus.

The Board of Directors will perform the duties described in the approved Partridge Society Bylaws. The Parliamentary Authority for meetings will be the same as the one adopted by the University. In addition, the Board of Directors will carry out its activities in accordance with the volunteer board guidelines established by the University in 2001 and revised in 2004.

Executive Commitee      
The Board of Directors Executive Committee consist of a Chairman, Vice Chairman, and Recording Secretary. The Board Chairperson will serve as the Board's liaison to the University's Board of Trustees Development Committee or any other subcommittee as requested by the Trustees.

Committee Structure
The Partridge Society is comprised of four standing committees.

  • The Executive Committee consisting of the Chairman, Vice Chairman, and Recording Secretary.
  • The Membership and Nomination Committee led by the Vice Chairman to ensure that the Board is fully staffed with committed, capable and qualified members.
  • The Events Committee who will plan, organize, and execute Partridge Society events and other recognition opportunities.
  • The Development and Recognition Committee who, in partnership with the Development Office will support the recognition of new and existing Partridge Society members.


Partridge Society Board of Directors

Karen L. Broadmeadow ’83

Philipp H. Baumann, Jr. ’86 & M’14

Hubert (David) Hennessey ’73
Nancy A. Kinder M’04
Adam M. Lazar ’05
Stephen Lewkowicz ’73
Robert Lindefjeld ’86
COL William F. Lyons, Jr., USA ’90
Mark P. Madsen ’82
Nancy E. Martin ’83
Capt. Christopher (chet) Misner ’90
Frederick E. VanAlstyne ’67

Richard T. Mullen, Jr. ’79, P’13, P’20
COL Michael J. Teague, USA (Ret.) ’85

Tracey Poirier ’96

For more information on the Partridge Society, please contact Deb Brooks at 802.485.2094