Norwich University | Alumni & Family



Your Gift to the Dennis E. Showalter Research Fellowship
at the College of Graduate and Continuing Studies

Dennis E. Showalter

The Dennis E. Showalter Research Fellowship at the College of Graduate and Continuing Studies
recognizes Professor Dennis Showalter's contributions to the military history field, its junior scholars, and especially to our M.A. in Military History (MMH) program. The Fellowship, an endowed fund of Norwich University, was named in his memory as one of the founding faculty members for the Norwich Master’s in Military History Program, as a renowned author, an engaging lecturer and professor, and wise mentor over a 50-year career until his passing in 2019. 

The Fellowship will support the research efforts and recognize academic excellence of one or more students in the MMH program at Norwich. The student(s) selected will have the opportunity to highlight their scholarly contribution of a completed Capstone or Thesis, if topically appropriate, during a presentation at Norwich’s CGCS Residency. The student(s) selected will receive a cash award for research and travel expenses to the annual Norwich University's Writer's Symposium to present graduate research.

Most of us who write and teach knew a great gentleman historian with the booming voice. The late Dr. Dennis Showalter left his mark on each of us. Now is the time to respond in support of a research fellowship at Norwich University in his honor. I urge each of you to give what you can to this worthy memorial.  close quote mark

John F. Votaw, Sr.
Temple University PhD, 1991


Other Ways to Give

Norwich University
Attn: Office of Development 
158 Harmon Drive 
Northfield, VT 05663
Norwich University
Office of Development
(802) 485-2300