How to Search the Obituaries and List of Deceased Alumni
Here are some tips and tricks when searching the database:
- For the entire directory, do not enter any criteria in the fields. Just click on Search. Scroll to the bottom of the page, below the search criteria, to see the results.
- To narrow your results, enter data in the search fields, then click Search and scroll to the bottom of the page to view the results.
- Entering only the first few letters of a name or word will result in a directory that contains the letters ONLY at the beginning of the name or word.
For example: Bos = Boston, Boswick, Bossa Nova, etc.
- Entering the percent sign (%) before text criteria will result in a directory that contains your text ANYWHERE in the field.
For example: %Bos = Boston, North Boston, Arbosita, etc.
- If your search criteria fails to provide a result, try broadening your search by searching just one field at a time.